So, I went out and bought myself an early Christmas present the other day. I got another external hard drive. And it is already my favorite thing ever. Its made by a Hungarian company called Sungoo (yea, I dunno...) but it was 250 GB for under 35,000 HUF. And it comes with a warranty, so who am I to complain?
Plus, it came PRE-FORMATTED for both OSX and Windows, so I won't have any of the compatibility problems with my housemates' PCs like I do with the HD that my Mac's disk doctor formatted. I'm such a happy camper.
So, I am working on storing all of the great things that I have been watching all year. I wanted to pass along a little list of the best things that I have seen and/or am desperately looking for:
The Beauty Academy of Kabul
Gegen die Wand (Against the Wall--Eng title "Head On")
Atash (Thirst)
Yossi and Jagger
La Battaglia de Algeri
The Business of Fancydancing
Labels: hotlinks, movies, procrastiation
Hi Veruka - your post came up on my google alert for "The Beauty Academy of Kabul," & I was happy to see it at the top of your list (I'm the film's director) so I thought I'd let you know that it just came out on DVD in the US (yesterday). You can find out where to get it from - don't know if you can get it to Hungary, but it's more available than it had been.... hope you like it when you see it. - Liz
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