The Roommate Has Landed!
Internet be damned!We have been having the worst time ever getting the internet to work here. We even got all of our portforwarding and ping issues straightned out. We are wireless network geniuses at this point. Which totally doesnt help us because there is no juice coming out of the actual cable internet line. I actually got an error message in Hungarian telling me that the cable company's server was offline the other day. Christ. And our download speeds have been down in the gutters. Even google was timing out. But, somehow, it all came back this morning. In a flood of bandwidth. And I got to wake up to see this:

Look at that swarm! I love it.
So, in a fit of foresight and serendipity, used this new found internet tour de force of connectivity to scan craigslist for a new flatmate, cause Stephen was pacing around stressing about it.
Oh, have I mentioned this? Wyatt is moving out. He's going home for Christmas and staying home. I TOLD Marko that he wouldn't think the horsehead in the sheets was funny...
But anyway, we have pouted and cried to the limits of our abilities, and still Wyatt has decided that he will be happier at home. So, we need to find someone who can pay rent. At this point, anyone with heartbeat and a checkbook will do. No one from school wants to move in with us cause our apt is on the slightly more expensive end of things that are available. I mean, the difference between what I'm paying here and what I could be paying if I lived on a smaller street is like maybe 70 Euros. Maybe. But that's a lot when you are on a student budget and living entirely off of George Soros. So, the anxiety level about finding someone to live here has been high, escalating something like this
So I did a quick search on, and found only 1 ad for a person wanting a room to let. It was from Ben. Ben is Australian, is moving to Budapest, and wants a room for about 200 Euros per month to rent from January to June. Sweet lord amighty. We need someone to pay us about 200 Euros a month for a room from January to June! Its like Jesus himself brought us together.
So, I email the guy and tell him what's up with our room. He replies in a matter of minutes, asking if he can see the apartment today, cause he happens to be in town apartment hunting, and leaves for London again in a matter of hours. So he comes over, takes one look around, and says "Hi. Im Ben. Y'all are great. I want to live here."
Rad. Oh, but it gets even better. Ok, so Ben is no ordinary 28 year old dude. He is a concert conductor who is coming here to start an apprenticeship with the Budapest Festival Ensemble. A conductor! Sheet music scattered all around the apartment a la Immortal Beloved! How luscious is this going to be? He's a rather proper fellow, but was really excited to be living with a group of students (somehow) and was just thrilled to find a place that has already been set up, got the internet connected, bills going, etc. He's only going to be here 2-3 weeks of every month, and then in London for the rest of the time, but I think this thing is going to be beautiful.
And the moral of the story is: don't stress about change and responsibility. Just wait for the forces that be to tell you "Hey, now would be a good time to take care of your shit." and then proceed to arrange everything for the future in a matter of hours under the graces of serendipity, divine providence, and falafel. Oh yes. There was falafel involved. And I am not at liberty to divulge those details. I can tell you, though, that I am a happy little camper right now.
So, here's a tasty little treat, just from me to you, to help bring in the cheers for a new roommate. Huttah!
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