Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hammer and Tickle

This is the trailer of a movie called Hammer and Tickle that played at the Tribeca Film Festival last May:

There is a BBC article on this film that I have tagged on my del.icio.us. (yay plug!)

I found out about this film because I discovered a book by the same name buried in the "old soviet stuff" section of the CEU library the other day. The book and the movie are totally unrelated, but I find all this fascinating none-the-less, despite the "toilet humor-cum-revolutionary claim to autonomy" turn that is made at the end of this clip. That part is pretty lame. But otherwise, I smell a final paper in the brew. Thankgod the Israelis dont set deadlines till 3 weeks past the end of term. I might actually have time to think about this before I write something.

In the meantime, can someone please explain to me why we are still reading Bordieu? Why have we allowed 'habitus' to become the bread and butter of introductory paragraphs? Its just depressing.

"The Poetics of Culture: Anthropologists wanted. Makes more than most poets." (m.sahlins)

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At 12:39 AM, Blogger culture_vulture said...

No love for Bourdieu? A friend of mine was just telling me how much he adores Distinction. He was comparing it to Barthes' Mythologies as being the same kind of tantalizing pleasure reading. I haven't read it, but after that plug, I wanted to. But you're saying no?


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