Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Starting HW at 2:30 am. Awesome.

Ok, so I'm dumb. I have a ton of reading still to do and a paper to write that I was *technically* supposed to e mail in 3 hours ago. But its ok, because, instead of working, I spent the evening hanging out with the boys and Emrah, watching hours of his video footage of the G8 protest in Athens, learning about and listening to lots of turkish pop music, and learning about the geneological history of Turkey's radical Left. We also ate some wicked good Turkish lentil soup that Emrah made us for dinner. He's a really rad guy, and it has been great having him here. Too bad that we've been so busy. But I found a solution tonight eh? I still have delusions that I will not be totally destroyed tomorrow, because I slept for a few hours this afterno6n, so I am still rather awake. But this is gonna be bad news no matter how you cut it I'm sure.

So, to help myself feel justified in making the decisions of priority that I have made in the last 8 hours, I will leave you with a video or two of a beautiful Turkish group named Kerdes Turkuler, given to me by Emrah.

This song is in a movie about the Turkish military coup of 1980.

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