And Now for Something Completely Different

So, I hate to distract attentions from the very exciting uprising that has been causing tear gas containers to collect at the front door to my apartment (location location location!), but I havn't really taken the time to mention the fact that this city is absolutely gorgeous and that we have all been enjoying the hell out of our selves.

I have been meaning to blog about this past weekend for days now. SO much happened: group trips to statue park. House

portraiture with busts of Lenin, erasmus parties, drunken Portugese women, and also a trip to Margarite Island on Sunday. This place is SO b
eautiful. The entire island is a big park. There are pools and baths and fountains and triathelons and swingsets and gelato. What more could one ask for? Except maybe some horsies? Everyone loves horsies.
We spent most of the afternoon on the island, just walking around, turning cartwheels, eating gelato, poking bugs with sticks. This is also where the famous "Croatian ice cream" incident occured. Marko got all excited that there was a cart selling Croatian brands of pop-cicles and ice-cream bars, but got all pissy when none of us bought any. Have I mentioned that he shaved off that beard yesterday? But he left the moustache, leaving himself with an uncanny resemblance to Ron Jeremy. He started walking around the house in his underwear to mark the occasion. Scary.
Dusa took a bunch of pictures while we were there. This one is definatly my favorite:

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