Houseguest (plus some riot cops)
So, we have a house guest. His name is Emrah, and he is from Turkey. He is a student and is in Budapest for a bio tech conference. Marko met this guy through Hospitality Club. He was supposed to stay with him in Ankara when he was traveling over the summer. Now, we get to actually return the favor. We also get to offer our well honed direction-giving skills to show people how not to get to the 12th district by bus on a Sunday night. We rule!

He also came bearing gifts, not the least of which was a bottle of rake, which is a Turkish liquor made from grapes and anise. You mix it with water and it turns white, like ouzo, but it doesn't taste like ouzo. In fact, it tastes kind of like heaven.
He also brought along a huge box of baklava. It was so full of amazing. We gorged on the stuff. We were in the middle of studying when Emrah showed up, so Stephen was able to grab a few shots of our working and eating, including this beaut:

Ha! When will Said jokes stop being funny? Never.
Oh, ok, so I promised pictures of these damned protests ages and ages ago. I will post those soon. I promise. Right now, I have to go finish that book in the picture above. And its already 11, cause Luc, Sasha, Brigette, Spencer, Asa, and Asa's girlfriend Nurit all came over to watch Rabbit Proof Fence, and we ended up hanging out for ever because Stephen made food, and then Marko downloaded the Disney Educational Film about Nazi Germany called "Education For Death" which we just had to see. You yourself can see it here or try the viewer below. Depending on your browser, one will probably work better than the other. It is NOT to be missed, I swear.
But anyway, its late, so I will just leave you with this one of the riot cops in front of parliament. Ah, the EU flag flies high....

Labels: Emrah, hospitality club, photos, procrastiation, Turkey
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