Another Oct 23 Narrative
Can I just say, that the people at and the reports that they come up with are mind-blowing. There is no media ANYWHERE in the states that has coverage like this. I am just speechless and filled with joy.This walk-through was put together by the lovely folks at You will recognize some of the pics from the earlier post. There are a few points where their narrative differs from ours. We're sticking to our story, with confidence that most versions of Mondays events are probably equally true.
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21:00 - 24:00 Blaha Lujza téri, Ferenciek tere, Erzsébet híd
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There are fewer and fewer people on Blaha Lujza tér. On Ferenciek tere, at the Pest side of the Erzsébet bridge however, protesters build a massive barricade using materials taken from a nearby construction yard.

Labels: Budapest, photos, politics, rabble rousing, riots, video
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