Very Important Stuff
So, I have had a TON of work to do for class lately, a mountain whih is made only bigger by the fact that I have fallen behind from being sick the last few weeks. So, to handle this stress, I have been doling out a heavy dose of procrastination, and have, as a direct consequence, been discovering some awesome things.For example:
*Facebook. wow. I found two guys from summer camp, an ex boyfriend from when I was 15, and Jesus.

*I have been watching a lot of music videos with Marko in YouTube. Radiohead's "Little Plastic Trees" is particularly good.
*I have seen the whole first season of Drawn Together. And there is really nothing like it.
*I have started cutting people's hair in my kitchen again. First was Wyatt. he asked for a simple de-mulletting, but I did a pretty good job, so Sasha came over for a cut tonight, and Stephen has put his name on my dance card as well.
*I have fallen in love with a band from Colorado named Matson Jones and a band from Belgium called Styrofoam. I have also been known to dance around the living room to a Ukranian group called тартак.
*I have been planning my trips. If all goes well, I will have both the time and money to go to Rome, Morocco, Cairo, Athens, Bucharest, Zagreb, Split, Slovenia, Odessa, and Minsk. Yea right.
*I am on Skype all the time. All the time.
*I have been watching a bunch of weird european and middle eastern movies, including The Battle of Algiers, Yossi and Jagger (the Israeli BrokeBack Mountain), and Leila (Iranian story of patriarchy, sexroles, modernity, and rice pudding).
*I am now a frequent visitor of technorati and
*I have been wildly distributing pornography from the 1920s across the US. Literally.
*I know more falafel places in town than that guy who sells falafel downstairs. And I think I am a few threads away from breaking Asa's resistance to coming over and making real, true, yummy, fried jew food for me and the house. HOOMOOS!
*I am a SoulSeex addict.
*I have renamed our network password like 7 times now. There was a while when it was "The Action Packed Mentalist Brings You the Fucking Jams" but Tyler threw a fit, so we changed it again.
*I have started playing planarity again.
*Podcasts. Oh, dear sweet podcasts. NYT, BBC, NPR, Mars Hill, This American Life. There is never a moment when I dont have something to listen to while not working...
Labels: blogs, internet, procrastiation, wiki
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