Friday Evening at TESCO

Post midterm, meta-functionalist, uber-nihilistic students bumbling through the faculty tower...

Mucha Luca rocks the multivitamin juice.

Burts Beeees!
Are you frikin ready for it? Buy some beers to drink on the way, hop the red line to the Ors, and drag our sappy selves to the place of all that is not holy.
Welcome to TESCO.

This lady sells me my shoes laces. She rocks.

*gasp!* 3000g.

Plastic toy aisle!

In eastern Europe, the coffee maker aisle is always the long aisle.

These candles are strictly "cemetary only"

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees, and toes!

Tesco, local purveyors of fried rice and cultural sensitivity.

Pepsi-cino. What the hell is it? And why does it frighten us so?...

If there is ever a world in which giant fish crammed into a tiny tank isn't fascinating, well, I'm not sure I want to be alive to see it.

This guy sells breakfast cereal to children. Hooray!

All Corona is called Coronita here. Its a trade mark issue. And its awesome.

The Liquor Aisle!!

TESCO brand rum. 739HUF/litre. gross.

Nothing makes a party like tequila in a sombrero.

Unicum. Ok, I have a story about unicum. Unicum is like glorified cough syrup. It is to jagermeister what jagermeister is anything really. Its made by a company called Zwack. Well, Mr. Zwack, the owner of Zwack incorporated, makers of Zwack Unicum, gave a speech at the opening gala at my university. He actually talked at great length to the cultural relevance of Unicum, and its symbolic meaning for Hungarian society. Then he began reminiscing about the 56 revolution, and told us that, while he was too busy being a fat cat in Austria to be here to fight off the commies, his bottles were perfectly round, just like a soft ball, or a grenade, and were excellent for making Molotov cocktails, and that that was his contribution to the revolution.

Once outside, I suggest we break open the Pepsi-cino we bought, cause we live wrecklessly. Sasha reacts with horror.

And the verdict is....
it tastes like ass. Like gross instant coffee Mr. K cola powdered vanilla flavor horrible unredemable ass. god. awful.

If only we had seen this first. Oh! Pepsi-CINO! like Cappucino! Yuck!

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