Rowan and Mina came into Budapest this weekend. What a rad f-ing time that was. I adore both of these people, and it's been ages since I've seen them, because Mina moved to London a few years ago, and Rowan has been in Paris basically since college. We did quite a lot but also did very little. It was a great weekend, and having Reedies in as guests is always so easy, because they are always so danged rad, and, of course, get along with everyone here so well cause we're all liberal artsy, leftist, slightly jewish intellectual types who really love cartoons, so its a great scene from start to finish.
I managed to leave my camera at home for most of the weekend, so I don't have any footage of our time out in the city, at the park, at Szimpla or West Balkan, or of the countelss hours spent nesting with like 5 other people in the living room. But we did spend easter out on Margit Sziget with some fabulous people, picnicking in the sun, and I managed to get some photos of that event.

Alex and his mom and step dad spent the morning at a wine festival, and brought over the goods. Alex, by the way, just got an internship working in fiction for The New Yorker, this summer, so we are way pumped for him :).

Sasha had an aunt and uncle in town too, and was on 'gorging with the family' mode.

Mina and Monica.

Oh, and I am sitting in my living room right now because I missed my train to Zahony this morning. Bahn.de totally gave me the wrong times, and I got to the station just in time to see the train that I wanted to be on pulling away. Bastards. So I came home and mopped, and am about to go to sleep cause I only went to bed at like 5 am yesterday, and then run all the errands that I DIDN'T get to do before "train ride to Odessa: first attempt."
But I am taking the same route to Odessa tomorrow, and should be there by noon on thursday, instead of tomorrow. And then, I come that on step closer to having a clue from god as to what I am doing.
Labels: Alex, Brigette, mina, monica, odessa, photos, Rowan, Sasha
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