We had a lunar eclipse here on Saturday night. This is what it looked like from my front door at about 11:30
That same night, we also went to the Hummus Bar down the street from Kicsi Szimpla, and took a bunch of pics that my computer just ate. Like, seriously, they just disappeared. I have no idea what thats about. So, ah, I can't post those just yet, which is really tragic, because that is one of our favorite places to go in this city. The Bard kids have been going there so much that a couple of the guys who work there have started referring to them collectively as 'the falafel whores'. Ha. Anyway, more on that to come.
Also, my keyboard is wigging out again. And I just bought a new one a few months ago, which means that its not the keyboard. It is operating as though the FN key is depressed all the time, which is really infuriating. In fact, the only way i have found to fix it is to put pressure on the lower right half of the console, which is totally weird. And when 5 dont, 5t wr5tes 352e th5s, wh5ch 0akes me want to sho6t *e6*3e. GODAMMIT! what a g5ant *ain in 0y ass. gah!
OH, there was also a Purim Party on saturday. It went till 3am. it was at the mall. AT THE MALL! at 3am. crazy. Pictures coming soon...
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