Odessa Cemetery
I went to the central cemetery today, which was a trip to say the least. Since going to the Budapest cemetery with Luc and Kate on All Souls Day last October, hunting down the mammoth memorials of Budapest's famous faces, I have been fascinated by them. In Europe, cemeteries are generally buzzing places full of people, green with ivy and thick with flowers. The headstones are often huge sculptures and gothic arches that add to the eerie beauty of the whole place.This cemetery was the craziest I have ever been too. Giant packs of dogs live there, and were running around in packs all over the place. And the stones are practically on top of each other. The place is thick and green and overgrown. Its startling.

They also play orthodox hymns on loudspeakers outside this massive church in the center. Ultra-spooky.

Folks also deck out all the graves in bright bundles of flowers, real and otherwise. Like on these niches.

And check out these guys:

Stephen linked me an article on EnglishRussia.com of Russian Mafia headstones that was really fascinating. Life-sized portraits of people holding cigarettes next to cadillacs. It was great. So, I took some of these pictures for Stephen, cause I know he needs something to do at 3 in the morning...

Ok, that last one is particularly creepy. If I had a child die, I dont know that I would want his or her larger than life mug staring at me like the Gerber baby for the rest of my life. Call me heartless, but I'm just not ok with it.

And I think this guy might have been married to a boat, or maybe his martini:

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